TADA (a super teriffic picture extravaganza)
my bag (front)
my bag (side 1)
my bag (side 2)
my notebook
star wars jedi search and other stuff on my bed
Adrian the best teddy bear ever!!!
Mono!! the best giant microbe ever
my new dry erase board
phase one...the last 24 hours of fun...
Laura!!! (this is what happens when you put five sour altoids in your mouth at a time)
Anthony Milton Paravati...he's awesome.
don't you wanna fanta?
the great and almighty dreamcast. jr. jeopardy anyone?
more mess on tony's floor
yarrrrr (tony is the best pirate i know personally)
tony's bass
Nicole at B& N today...oh man
lemon raspberry bar in the cafe...it was tasty.
i broke a norm...iced grande cafe mocha...whoa.
and phase three...a few more random pics
no coke...pepsi (at the bethlehem diner)
geo and alex at work (right before i got yelled at for having my camera...)
At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
GEO!!! asww i miss him like woah...i'm making a puppy dog face btw...this is kayla =]
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