Here we go again...

Its been a while...about a year...but here's to trying.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

steriod to heaven

i would like to start by saying...i finally got to see the phillies win a game i went to last night, and it was amazing, also, chase's homerun...beautiful. but on to more interesting and entertaining matters. this weekend the phillies have been playing the giants...which of course means lots of booing barry bonds. i was sitting up in 206...right field a level up, not really my favorite place to sit (which btw is left field) but they were the only tickets we could get. so about the second inning a group of guys (one of them had been there since the begining of the game) sits down on the left side of me, in my row and the row above me. the one guy has brought with him cut out foam board letters, and a poster board with and asterick on it. so when bonds came up to bat it looked like this:

so you get the asterick thing right? if you don't its like the one they put after Roger Maris' name when he broke Ruth's home run record in more games...which was later removed. after a few innings the guy next to me starts breaking a few of the letters apart, and i didn't get it at first so i asked him what was up. the letters he broke were the B and the N. because if you break the B you get an R and if you break the N you come up with an I. so for bonds' last at the guys held it up (along with another board they had) and it looked like this:
_______l that's kind of a ghetto likeness...but you get the point. it was really funny...we all chanted STEROIDS STERIODS STERIODS...good times. anyway, the guy thought that it might check on to other places where the giants happen to i told him i'd post about it on my blog, even though like three people read my blog...probably more like two now, but whatever. ok, well thats it for now, i'm going to go watch the game or pass out or something. (you don't need to hear about how much work sucks again).


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