Tea and Sympathy for the Phillies
Thursday my dad, rebecca and i went to the phillies game, and on mothers day my mom and i went to this place called tea and sympathy in the west village for afternoon tea...it was a lot of fun...pictures:

My daddy and I

Rebecca and I

J. Mike in the dugout

another dugout shot

pat the bat

Chase Utley, the man at second

Tea and Sympathy

At the corner of Jane Street and Greenwich Ave.

Tea Potssss

Our tea, mine Mango, mom's chai

The afternoon tea for 2 service

My daddy and I

Rebecca and I

J. Mike in the dugout

another dugout shot

pat the bat

Chase Utley, the man at second

Tea and Sympathy

At the corner of Jane Street and Greenwich Ave.

Tea Potssss

Our tea, mine Mango, mom's chai

The afternoon tea for 2 service
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