in the last four years
I figured that I would jump atop the bandwagon of 9/11 rememberance that I'm sure is happening on blogs across the nation, and I know mine won't be as wonderful as hairshirt but i figured that i would give it a shot anyway. Four years ago I was a sophamore in highschool, sitting in geometery with Mr. Zuk when our principal made the announcement about the attacks. Immediately after the announcement Zuk asks if anyone knows whether or not there would be salad bar at lunch that day, and Evan who's dad is a pilot got called out of the room so that he could make phone calls home. Next period was drivers ed, where Vic and I sat and watched the coverage and bonded for the first time. I think we sat in every class and watched the coverage, though I think Donahue told us that we'd have to write about it, but I don't think we ever did. I didn't live in New York, and didn't know anyone who worked in the trade towers, the closest anyone I know was to it was my cousin Betsy and her now ex husband who were stuck at JFK while awaiting the flight for their honeymoon. I remember Whit and I sitting in my bedroom the night before having the most ridiculous conversation about where everyone would be by the time we graduated, and then her coloring all over a blue floppy disk making it look all patriotic. she always had a bit of espn. So in the last four years, neither of the people I was close to on 9/11 are still my friends, I have lived in New York, if only for 8 whirlwind months. I've loved and lost and lived to love again, I haven't become anymore conservative, or anymore patriotic, I appreciate my freedom but I've stopped buying into the "American Dream." I'm without a shred of any of the innocense I had four years ago, and unfortunately I can't say that 9/11 had much to do with that. So I've relived my little story, it pales in comparrison to everyone elses, who actually has some kind of story to tell.
Now I'd like to take a second and wish my David a Happy 20th Birthday ...damn you're getting old dude.

At 1:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
yah, i am getting old...curious george rocks my socks tho....thanks for the b day stuff...ttly negro
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