Here we go again...

Its been a while...about a year...but here's to trying.

Monday, April 24, 2006

in the last 2 weeks

i have:
-lost 2 of my best friends
+been to a reading phillies game
+been to a big phils game
-broken up with my boyfriend
-worked a ten hour shift
+spent countless hours on the phone with erik
-been fed up with people at work
-(especially alex, who is a prick)
+read pride and prejudice
+read coyote blue
+gotten empire records on dvd
+been amazed that people actually believe in the ridiculousness that is scientology
+eaten chocolate pudding
+gotten the new matchbook romance cd
+put phillies bling on my ipod
-smoked too many cigarettes

i think that's about it...

so that puts the last two weeks at a positive 4. though some of those might be worth more than one negative point. this is the extent of a post i feel like making at this point in time. because there's not really anyone left who reads this besides erik, and he knows all this stuff already.


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