nothing worth saying
i haven't had anything worth saying lately. i still probably don't. if you haven't yet, you have to check out amber pacific, because i'm obsessed with them. (i saw them last week, they were one of the opening bands for matchbook romance). yesterday i got my hair cut, really short, its pretty miranda-esque. its like short in the back and longer in the front...really cute...mara didn't like it...but then again, everything i do is "stupid white girl shit" according to mara. yesterday was also the arrival of my jason michaels indians t-shirt, and my ryan madson phillies shirt, which i was way excited about, plus we're going to the game tomorrow night and madson is pitching :). we're also going to the soul game tomorrow afternoon...i could really care less, but these things make my dad pretty happy. i was thinking of walking to the mall today, but i'm too lazy, i think i'll just wait til my dad gets home and see if we have time to run to borders before i have to go to work, because as soon as i finish Heir to The Empire, i'm going to need books, and i'm also in dyer need of burts bees lip balm. the next books on my reading list include:
Dark Force Rising- Timothy Zahn
The Last Command- Timothy Zahn
Practical Demon Keeping- Christopher Moore
Grapes of Wrath- John Steinbeck
Jitterbug Perfume- Tom Robbins
mara makes fun of me for reading too...i work with people with really low IQs. oh well. have a good day, and i'll attempt to get rid of the sick feeling in my stomach.
Dark Force Rising- Timothy Zahn
The Last Command- Timothy Zahn
Practical Demon Keeping- Christopher Moore
Grapes of Wrath- John Steinbeck
Jitterbug Perfume- Tom Robbins
mara makes fun of me for reading too...i work with people with really low IQs. oh well. have a good day, and i'll attempt to get rid of the sick feeling in my stomach.
At 10:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
LOL@"low iq's" that made my morning.Have fun at the phillies game and tell dad i said hi.Pick up the Ms utley shirt this time too,lol.Later babe:-)
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