Here we go again...

Its been a while...about a year...but here's to trying.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

TADA (a super teriffic picture extravaganza)

hey everyone. i know i haven't posted in forever. but i've been busy working and stuff. and now its totally worth it, because you're about to experience the most amazing array of random amanda photography to-date. (you all knew this would happen when i finally got a camera).
phase one...all of my random stuff...

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my bag (front)

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my bag (side 1)

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my bag (side 2)

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my notebook

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star wars jedi search and other stuff on my bed

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Adrian the best teddy bear ever!!!

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Mono!! the best giant microbe ever

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my new dry erase board

phase one...the last 24 hours of fun...

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Laura!!! (this is what happens when you put five sour altoids in your mouth at a time)

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Anthony Milton Paravati...he's awesome.

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don't you wanna fanta?

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the great and almighty dreamcast. jr. jeopardy anyone?

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more mess on tony's floor

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yarrrrr (tony is the best pirate i know personally)

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tony's bass

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Nicole at B& N today...oh man

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lemon raspberry bar in the was tasty.

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i broke a norm...iced grande cafe mocha...whoa.

and phase three...a few more random pics

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no coke...pepsi (at the bethlehem diner)

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geo and alex at work (right before i got yelled at for having my camera...)

Friday, June 09, 2006

like a pheonix rising out of arizona

or something like that. i hate being around a bunch of people on a daily basis who don't get seinfeld quotes the moment you mention them...and don't really get them after you explain them anyway. like i had some really great pesto artichoke pizza today that jeff made at was awesome. the phillies game is in a rain delay and i'm bored. and boredom tends to make me think to much which tends to make me depressed. damn i wish the damn battery for this new camera we got would charge, because then i'd be able to play with it and i'd have something to do. i've been zoning out all day...and i just did it again. i'm not paying attention to the episode of csi that's on spike. yesterday i got the first season of dr. katz on dvd, and its amazing. when i was 9 my mom used to let me stay up late so we could watch it together. i also bought an aaron rowand shirt, a phils tank top and visor, and an awesome boba fett transformer toy. at some point this weekend i'm going to go get a cell phone. i think. i'm torn about the idea of having a cell phone again. like i'll be able to contact people, and it will be convient and everything...but part of me just doesn't want one still. i'm not really sure. oh well. i didnt' find seven indian head pennies or anything so my life isn't as exciting as erik's. oh well. peace out.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

friends we meet while doing laundry.

two weeks ago when i went to do laundry i spent like over an hour with this old man who decided to tell me like his life story, and it was really interesting...and today, when i went to do laundry i met a little girl named lizzy who was nine years old. she wanted me to play with her, and she kept trying to steal my ipod, but she was really cute. it kind of makes the bullshit of having to go and do laundry a little bit better. i had something more profound to write...but i'm too out of it...staying up til almost 3am on the phone can do that to you. but its worth it to say the very least. but i have to go to bed early tonight, because i have to work tomorrow. each day gets closer to saturday and i'm so excited about going to the city, excited about seeing mitch...and someone else :). oh well...not much to say...listening to some great music. yeah. cheese. that's about it. lalalala. sorry this post sucks.

Friday, June 02, 2006

district champs and the second working weekend in a row.

today at work i came across a copy of the morning call (the local newspaper, that i on principle do not read) and on the front page were some familliar faces jumping for joy, with the head like, "Southern Lehigh wins first district championship" or something to that degree. and so i got all excited, and started jumping around like an idiot as usual. otherwise i have to work all weekend again, today, saturday, sunday, monday...then i'm off tuesday, work wednesday, off and get paid on thursday, work friday...and i'm supposed to be checker on saturday night, but i'm really going to try to tell carmen i can't...because i want to go to the city and get magnolia cup cakes and hang out with someone who's really really cool. i hate the phillies being on the west coast, because there's no way i can stay up for the game at all tonight and that's dumb. they sent gavin back to the minors after last night, which i guess i understand...meh whatever. i'm too tired to make any sense, so to the three people who read this...i'm sorry...haha. yeah...i'm pretty sure just cheese is all that's left to say. oh and that whole three way trade rumor that's going around...meh...i can let go of bobby, but not pat...not ever, and especially not to the evil empire.
yeah...have a good one.
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