Monday, September 26, 2005
Saturday, September 24, 2005
what i really meant to say...
i can't.
i just finished reading "All We Can Handle" by Andrew Dainoff, which Scotty gave to me, after much prodding and trying to get me to buy it myself. I can't tell you about it. You need to read it yourself. If you've ever loved someone and then they've been taken away from you, it will hit you harder. If you've every lived in Manhattan, or loved Manhattan, or thought you might be gay, it will hit you harder. If you haven't thought or experienced any of these things, it will still hit you.
I keep going over it in my head. Two years. How? I just don't understand. They want me to go to my uncle's retirement party next saturday. Everyone has forgotten. Everyone except for me. I still don't have full metal jacket. I still haven't even seen the whole movie. The wild card race is tearing me apart. forever, or until the phillies win the series. its just repeating in my head. its been two years and i haven't figured out how to live again. i pretend. i laugh. i obsess. i run. i don't live.
i don't remember how.
"what i really meant to say, is i'm dyin here inside and i miss you more each day there's not a night i haven't cried..."
Monday, September 19, 2005
she never knows
ok so what she said, we were talking about the fact that i had tiny gauges in my ears, and asking me if i had any other tattoos or piercings at this point that she didn't know about, and at that point she said that she was sure stephen wasn't paying for a tattoo, wasn't tattooing "property of..." on me. of course he wasn't, stephen is a republican's republican, he doesn't even approve of tattoos, all the more reason i will be getting one as soon as i have ID and a job (but that's beside the point), anyway when she said that there was one thing that hit me, and basically its the time of the year, its all on my mind anyway, so i went digging through my xanga archive until i found this...
Monday, September 01, 2003
Tomorrow is my birthday!!! Tomorrow is my la la la la....okay I'll stop now. It is also the first day of my senior year...woo hoo! Andy is supposed to pick me up and take me in, but I haven't really talked to him since Saturday night so I don't know if that'll actually happen. Yeah, Saturday night we went to the fair, with his friends John and Megan and their was really fun! And you wanna hear something ober teen movie romantic...he kissed me at the top of the ferris wheel! I know cheesy...but adorable just the same. He met my mom now too...which went well, he also gave me an ober lecture on the way home from the fair about looking at things positively instead of negatively...whenever I get depressed or upset I'm supposed to think of atleast five things that are going good at the matter how little they are...he is soo sweet, I'm so lucky...we're so lucky we found eachother. Btw...I know we aren't bringing the "L" word into this yet, way too soon for that but he made some joke the other night about tatooing "Property of (Insert his full name here)" across my chest...what more of a commitment can I ask for than that...he wants to brand me!! okay well, GH throw back episode is on soapnet so I g2g... Much Love |
thats all for now, i'm going to go cry myself into oblivion, have a good night.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
in the last four years

Friday, September 09, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
all the things i've said before
what has happened these last 2 years, its been a blur hasn't it? how many friends have i hung onto since then? how many of them have i slept with? i've been over it a billion and a half times, what could've, would've, might've been, if he hadn't, if my life hadn't fallen apart because of it. i probably wouldn't have gone to new york, so i wouldn't be thousands of dollars in debt with no future to speak of, but i wouldn't have met rebecca or mitch, or bec, christine or dan, i certainly wouldn't have made a trillion guy mistakes before meeting stephen. on that note i don't even understand how he can love me, i'm so broken and definitely not deserving of his love. i would've never ended up living with my dad most likely, which i'm sure has its pluses and minuses to speak of. i think i could be a writer, but i don't know what i'd write, all i ever write is this crap that i could never make any money off of. money. ha. i had the fleeting thought yesterday when i was making muffins that i might want to like go to cooking school like i used to when i was little...but i don't think i really want to do that, i don't know what i really want to do, besides rewind. i'm desperate for a rewind button, to go back and do it all again, not even all the way back to him, well...i don't know. i'd give anything for one more day, but i know its impossible, that shit only happens in movies, which is probably why i get lost in them, in movies, in books, in songs, because those are the venuse in which reality can be stretched, pulled and pushed and manipulated...but i don't have any talent to create what might have been...just like i have no talent to salvage my reality. i want to press reset, reboot, start all over, fresh...but theres no such thing as a second chance, not in reality.
"in my head there's a greyhound station and i set my thoughts to far off destinations"
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

besides muffins, i read a random blog today that talked about sugar gliders, and i've decided this is the pet i must have. its adorable, though stephen is worried it will glide across the room and break things, but i told him the i would train it to pick up after itself, even though that's probably not possilbe. look how f-ing adorable this thing is though:

anyway, stephen still thinks that the philippine tarsier is cooler, in case you don't know stephen and i probably would've never started talking if he hadn't had the following picture up on his myspace when he originally sent me a message, because i had to send him a message back to ask him what the hell it was.

that might be about it for now...
Saturday, September 03, 2005
it just fucking hurts is all
until i get some desire to continue posting, i'll leave you with some death cab lyrics...
What Sarah Said
by Death Cab for Cutie
And it came to me then that every plan
Is a tiny glance of father time
As I stared at my shoes in the ICU
That reeked of piss and 409
And I rationed my breaths as I said to myself
that I’d already taken too much today
As each descending peak of the LCD
Took you a little farther away from me
Away from me
Amongst the vending machines
And year old magazines
In a place where we only say goodbye
It stung like a violent wind
That our memories depend
On a faulty camera in our minds
And I knew that you were a truth
I would rather lose
than to have never lain beside at all
Then I looked around at all the eyes on the ground
As the TV entertained itself
Cause there’s no comfort in the waiting room
Just nervous paces bracing for bad news
Then the nurse comes round
And everyone lifts their heads
And I’m thinking of what Sarah said
That love is watching someone die
So who’s going to watch you die?
So who's going to watch you die?
So who's going to watch you die?