Friday, July 29, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
forcing flashbacks on myself
on saturday stephen and i went to dorney, and we're walking down a hill towards the "music machine" or atleast i think that's what it's called, that thing that whips you around really fast and plays music. when i saw it i started to lose my breath, and i was there. i was at the allentown fair two years ago, with meg and john and morgan and andy and the baby (who's name i can't remember...maybe zachary?), andy didn't go on the ride, he sat on a bench with the baby, and morgan's balloon tied around his neck, he looked ridiculous. i was on the ride with meg, and john with morgan, i really love that ride, even though rides at the fair in general sort of freak me out, because they just put them together right there off of a truck temporarily and they're all rickety and stufff. the thing is it should be a happy memory, it was a great night, probably one of the best, but every memory with andy is tainted, every single one makes me shudder now.
now i'm on someones myspace reading really old blog entries, purposely forcing thoughts in my head, all these feelings of abandonment are connected, there's no one who hasn't left me, only those who haven't yet. besides luis, stephen, big scott, and my dad no one has talked to me in weeks, and i don't think theres anyone not on that list that actually reads this anyway. i've dropped off the face of the earth as far as everyone's concerned, and when everyone goes back to school in a month and i don't, it will be even worse. my stepmother sent and email to my father and i this morning saying that she enjoyed our dinner together last night, what a load of shit, she thinks that she can say the things she said, and then just pretend she never said them, i'm sorry, i don't forgive or forget that easily, there's no way. my stepmother left ten dollars on the table to buy ice cream, implying i'm sure that she ate an entire half gallon of it, if she doesn't care that she's diabetic, then fuck, i don't really either. i wish i could get out of here, but even the chance of me doing so is probably slim, i don't want to get my hopes up when inevitable disappointment awaits me.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
philadelphia what was that, you want one more picture? ok, here you go
and here is some stuff about me...
my favorite color is RED
my favorite car is an
my favorite sport is
my favorite team is the
i love
i have a lot of favorite movies...
so the last movie i watched was
i also have many favorite bands/musicians, currently my itunes are playing
i just finished
and am about 400 pages away from finishing
my favorite place in the world (ok well i haven't really travelled the world yet but...) is
lately i've been watching a lot of
one of my favorite shows on foodnetwork is
i have a serious craving for
i think that might be about it for now...
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Nok Hockey

friday was the wedding, it was lovely, and i met a bunch of people who's names i do not remember. that night we stayed at the hotel where the reception was, the in at fox hollow. it was pretty. i'm so very descriptive aren't i? ha. yesterday was the post wedding family get together here, which i missed a large portion of because i had an anxiety attack and ended up laying upstairs through most of it. we helped clean up, and played with the kids. we watched harold and kumar go to white castle, which was a really good movie, and today we're going to white castle for lunch. i'm not sure what time i'm going home but stephen has to go to a wake tonight. i'm tired...and i need to take a shower or something like that.
quote of the day:
three year old andrew: "when i was a little kid..."
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Bobby Abreu is the man
Otherwise, I haven't posted in a few days, I had a great weekend in LI, got a terrible sunburn, and i'm in agony now, but at the time it was great. Two days at the beach, the best homemade sauce I've probably ever had, and well I have an awesome boyfriend. I whined half the time about my ankle, which i rolled walking in Union Square on Saturday morning, but it's feeling better today. Most likely because i haven't really walked or done a hell of a lot all day. This is a very ADD skip around a lot type of post, I'm going back to LI on Thursday, the wedding is on Friday, and I'm acutally not dreading it as much as I was before. I think i'm going down to my mom's tomorrow, to do laundry, borrow shoes...try to rangle the digital camera if i can. I also really need to dye my hair. yeah...good times. ok well i think that's about it for now...i know that post sucked, but all of a sudden i'm crashing from the excitement of the derby.
its kind of upsetting when the people you thought were your best friends turn out to be even bigger jerks than the people you don't like...
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
my blog code
jesse journal...for real

i still <3 jesse lacey